Coaching Services
As an individual in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, I understand how daunting recovery can be. Through a focus on motivations and strengths, a Recovery Coach begins to empower the individual to self-direct their recovery in a way that leaves them motivated and fulfilled. As a result, they are able to sustain their new way of life. Recovery coaching has just as much to do with guiding self-discovery as it does sobriety. It is about creating a life that does not require the use of drugs or alcohol to manage emotions. It is about creating a balanced life that incorporated values, goals, passion and connection.


Single Session
Only recommended for someone working a strong recovery program and surrounded with support.
Offers an extra line of defense against relapse.
Includes one 45-minute virtual session via Zoom.
In-person sessions may be arranged for individuals living in the Lloydminster area.

Recovery Refresher
Looking to get your recovery back on track?
Perhaps you lost your way a little bit and want to renew your spark for recovery.
Includes ten 30-minute virtual sessions via Zoom.
Unlimited text and e-mail.
In-person sessions may be arranged for individuals living in the Lloydminster area.

Recovery Sustainability
Looking to get your recovery started?
This plan will offer you the best chance of a fulfilling and sustainable recovery.
Includes one 1-hour introductory and assessment session and twenty 30-minute virtual sessions via Zoom.
Unlimited text and e-mail.
In-person sessions may be arranged for individuals living in the Lloydminster area.
What makes Tyler’s program different than any other recovery program, is that he doesn’t just want us to be clean, but to gain happiness and acceptance for both ourselves and others. It teaches us about everyday living, cognitive distortions, patience, time management, basic financials and how we can deal with our problems without using our vices.
I needed the sober and positive support, as well as the stability and structure to stay clean. Everything I learned from the program, such as good communication skills, identifying emotions, understanding addiction, self-awareness and so much more, prepared me for treatment. With all of the tools I learnt in the first seven months of recovery, I was able change my belief system, re-wire my addicted brain and become a more responsible, loving mother for my children and a positive role model for my younger sisters.
The main thing that Tyler has taught me is that acceptance is the answer, his altruistic tendencies are only surpassed by his kindness and generosity. He devotes so much of his time to to his clients and genuinely wants to see them succeed and gives hope and guides to a better life. He is very interactive and an effective communicator and if it wasn't for Tyler I wouldn't be where I am today. I highly recommend Tyler as a recovery coach and I am a proud advocate of Residence in Recovery.