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I received my Recovery Coaching certification from The Addictions Academy and currently hold a Nationally Certified Recovery Coach Level 2 certification.  I also have an Addictions and Community Services Worker diploma from Reeves College where I graduated with distinction.  Combining these with my 29 years of personal addiction experience and a over half decade of recovery experience, I am able to understand addiction and more importantly what it takes to recover.


Through recovery, I was fortunate to discover myself and find my passion.  I am the founder and Executive Director of Residents in Recovery Society, a pre and post treatment sober living program in Lloydminster, AB/SK.  In the first three years of operations, I have helped dozens of individuals like you and me, start their recovery journeys.  Many of these individuals are still clean and sober today and living a life they never dreamed possible.  Supporting others is a big part of my recovery and truly what I was meant to do in this life.


I consider myself to be very open-minded and that translates into how I approach recovery.  I realize that the path to recovery is not the same for everyone and each individual will have to discover what works for them.  For myself, pre-treatment sober living, residential treatment, post-treatment sober living, SMART Recovery and 12-step groups depict my path.  Today I still work a strong 12-step based program and attend meetings.  I facilitate SMART Recovery in my city and am actively engaged in service work.  This is what keeps me clean, sober and happy.  This is likely what attracts others to want what I have.


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